How to make a perfect Italian coffee at home and explanation about coffees you can find at an Italian bar


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Today I talk to you about how to do a perfect italian coffee with your Moka pot (yes, a perfect coffee with an italian Moka pot is always possible!) and the explanation of the main types of coffee you can … Continue reading

Asparagus with onion and white wine


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Here May is the season for asparagus so why not talking to you about a simple but delicious versatile recipe! In fact, this recipe can be used as a vegetable side dish or as a sauce for pasta or as … Continue reading

Béchamel Sauce (Besciamella) and my foolproof lump-free process


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Béchamel Sauce or Besciamella in italian (beh-shuh-mel-luh), is one of the mother sauces of the french and italian cuisine but it’s also known as white sauce. For someone it may be a little tricky because sometimes it turns out a … Continue reading

How to make Bell Peppers (Capsicum) digestible to everybody


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Maybe not everybody knows that bell peppers, also known as sweet peppers or capsicum, are not very digestible, so even if they’re really good, contain high quantities of vitamin C and add great taste to dishes they can mess you … Continue reading

How to remove bitterness from Aubergines / Eggplants


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Everybody knows that aubergines/eggplants can have a bitter taste when cooked, especially those that are not so fresh. Many of you already know that to remove the bitterness you just have to cut aubergine/eggplant in pieces (as desired), put them … Continue reading

How to prevent sliced bananas from browning


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If you have to prepare a fruit salad or garnish a cake, the black banana slices might ruin your work from an aesthetic point of view. Usually are commonly used some drops of lemon juice (or any citrus fruit juice) … Continue reading

Too salty? here’s the tip to fix it!


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Have you ever put too much salt in a sauce, stew, soup or stock? I did… a lot of times… and I ended up increasing the quantities of the ingredients, changing quality of the recipe, until I discovered this trick. … Continue reading

Roast Turkey: Italian tips for a moist tender and flavourful turkey


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roast turkey – moist, tender and juicy Thanksgiving is just around the corner so, why not planning to cook a delicious roast turkey the Italian way with my brine method and secret for a moist, tender and juicy turkey? Yes, … Continue reading

How to make garlic more digestible and cure bad breath


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Sometimes, when you eat garlic or you just use it to give dishes exquisite flavour and aroma, you end up with digestion problems or a bad garlic breath that can last hours (due to high level of sulfurous compounds contained … Continue reading

How to cook pasta


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Everybody should know how to cook pasta, but there is always someone who doesn’t. I’ve seen that in many websites are explained wrong instructions about cooking pasta so, here are mine: fill a large cooking pot with water and bring … Continue reading

How to cure skin burns/scalds


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How many times when you’re cooking or ironing do you end up burning part of your hand or arm? A lots, isn’t it? What I’m writing here is like unbelievable, but it’s really true! After being burnt, cover the skin immediately … Continue reading

How to avoid egg smell


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When you bake something with eggs inside, sometimes the final product has a bad egg smell and this is very disturbing especially if you’ve done this for other people. The smell is caused by the thin yolk membrane. So you … Continue reading